Talk about late bloomer..

Talk about late bloomer.. why a website now? I mean I’ve been at it my whole life. I’ve slugged oversized guitar amps over freezing cobblestone streets at godforsaken hours in the netherlands of New York City starting back in the 90’s. I’ve done radio interviews in Midwest cities for one off gigs half the country away. I’ve hid away in the mountains with really talented song creators and collaborated and performed on numerous projects far and wide. I write songs everyday to make me feel more human. And I’ve never needed a website for any of that.

It’s not like the business model of being a music maker is dragging me into it. I think we would all be delusional to hustle after the abysmal and alleged music business for the promise of material luxury.

But music is a mission, not a business model. It’s a primary driver. It’s what we do and how we identify. And I’m grateful beyond measure to be all wrapped up in a form of expression that predates language, with it’s primal roots and it’s celestial connections. The community of artists I’ve crossed paths with confirm I’m on the right track, because we all just want to help each other share the same rope.

And I love guitars. They are my conduits to the elusive source, my spirit animals. And nothing feels better than stitching a spontaneous vocal melody onto a chiming guitar groove. That I know of!

So again, why a website? Maybe because I’ve been hit by loss after loss since the pandemic began, and my tentative side has crystalized into action. As the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed away only hours ago as I write said “My actions are my only true belongings”.

And most of all it will mark a fresh musical start, structure the new work, propel my output and bring me closer to the kindred spirits I sense around the corners.



Why Sph*eric